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Treffen Finland (GWCF) 2021 is cancelled
Monday, 17 May 2021 20:36

Hi all ,


I hope you are all fine and healthy.

Sad but true, we are forced to cancel our international Treffen in Vuokatti, due to the ongoing Covid situation in our country.

I do hope to see the pandemic will be beaten and we are able to meet again somewhere, some day.


Best Regards


Anne Lahdenne

Interrep GWCF


Treffen Sweden (GWCS) 2021 is cancelled
Friday, 16 April 2021 11:47

Hello fellow Wingers,


Unfortunately, the board of GWCS had to decide to cancel the Swedish meeting,

due to the situation in Europe with Covid-19.


Best regards and stay safe,

Tomas Johansson

GWCS interrep


Treffen Ireland (GWOCI) 2021 is cancelled
Wednesday, 31 March 2021 10:11

Hello my friends,


GWOCI are so disappointed to have to tell you that we have no choice but to cancel our 2021 Treffen.


Hopefully we are nearing the end and it won't be long before we can once again experience  the fun and friendship of a treffen.


Keep safe and well and if you are lucky enough to be able to get out on your Wing, enjoy it.


Kind regards,
Marian Reynolds
International Representative GWOCI


Treffen Switzerland (GWCCH) 2021 is cancelled
Sunday, 21 March 2021 18:44

 Dear Friends,


Another sad decision must be made!


I have to inform you in the name of the committee of GWCCH (Goldwing Club Schweiz), that we have decided to cancel the treffen 2021 in Brugg (Switzerland) from June. 24. to 27.

It is now postponed to June 2023. (Details will follow as soon as possible).

We hope you all are well and we see us all soon in good health!


Always stay safe and take care.


Sincerely yours

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Hanspeter Lüdin

Interrep Gold Wing Club Schweiz (GWCCH)


Treffen Latvia (GWCLV) 2021 is cancelled
Thursday, 18 March 2021 22:35

Dear Goldwing Friends,


It is with great regret that we inform you that we are forced to cancel the Goldwing Latvia treffen due to the worsening pandemic situation in our country. We hoped for improvements, but now it is already clear that severe restrictions in our country will continue.


With best regards

Interrep of GWCLV

Igor Smolin


Treffen Hungary (GWCHU) 2021 is cancelled
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 14:22

Dear Goldwing Friends,


I would like to inform you that the Hungarian Committee (GWCHU) has decided to cancel the Treffen date (01.07.2021-04.07.2021) due to the difficult time.

Be healthy, now that's the most important thing!


István Nagy "BAKA"


Treffen Portugal (GWCP) 2021 is cancelled
Tuesday, 16 March 2021 17:51

Dear friends,


Although there are still no certainties, we are forced to cancel the Treffen, as there will be no time to organize it, even if there are conditions to do it. Currently, the law does not allow this to happen and the borders remain closed. The law changes every two weeks, but it would be risky to keep the Treffen, as we can't be shure if we can make it.


Stay safe.


Mário Catarino

International Representative

Goldwing Clube de Portugal


Treffen Slovenia (GWSLO) 2021 is cancelled
Sunday, 14 March 2021 16:18

Hello, friends!


Sad news again...

I have to inform you that we (the Committee of GWSLO) have decided to cancel the treffen in Radlje ob Dravi and POSTPONE it to 2022.

The treffen in Slovenija - Radlje ob Dravi will be held from 9 to 12 June 2022.


Hope you are all well and to see you soon!


Stay safe.


Kind Regards,

Mateja Rokvič



Treffen Spain (GWAE) 2021 is cancelled
Thursday, 04 March 2021 22:04

Hello Winger friends,


I regret to report the bad news to you.

Last night we, the board GWAE have decided to cancel our annual treffen, that would take place at GANDIA on June 3 until June 6 2021.

This because of the COVID, we still do not know who can or who is not allowed to travel outside their borders.

In Spain the autonomous communities have their own rules, which makes traveling more difficult for ourselves and also for those coming from other countries.


I hope you dont’t blame our decision.


With many collegial greetings, that we can meet each others soon in better times.


Keep it safe and healthy.

Willy Interrep GWAE


Treffen Great Britain (GWOCGB) 2021 is cancelled
Tuesday, 02 March 2021 13:25



It is with regret that the GWOCGB Committee after discussion have decided to POSTPONE the 40th Anniversary Treffen - 2021 until August 2022.


Due to the current Covid Pandemic it was felt that this decision had to be made now rather than wait till later.
It was also felt that the health and safety of those attending could not be guaranteed plus restrictions could still be in place, i.e. numbers allowed to attend, social distancing, wearing of face covering, travel restrictions etc.


This was a hard decision to make but hopefully you will understand why the committee have taken this course of action.


The GWOCGB Committee and all its members invite all European Gold Wingers to the following event :




Bob Simpson - Inter Rep
Tony Perkins - Treffen Coordinator
Nigel Whitehouse - Chairman


Treffen Russia (FGWCR) 2021 is cancelled
Saturday, 20 February 2021 13:14

Dear Goldwing Friends,


I have very sad news for you. We are very sorry, but the board of Goldwing Club Russia made a decision to cancel our treffen due to pandemic situation.

We all know that borders between Russia and EU countries are still closed and nobody knows when they will be finally open. I hope everyone understands that organising treffen in such conditions is almost impossible and unrealistic. We are very, very sorry.


Keep safe and hope to see you soon.
Best regards,
Marta Kondrat


Treffen Italy (GWCI) 2021 is cancelled
Saturday, 20 February 2021 13:12

Hello friends,


GWCI has also decided to cancel our annual appointment.


Unfortunately, the pandemic situation and the impossibility of predicting a return to life and to avoid new hotel bookings led us to anticipate the decision.


Keep safe and hope to see you soon.


Napolitano Gianpino
Interrep “Gold Wing Club Italia”


Treffen France (FGWCF) 2021 is cancelled
Tuesday, 09 February 2021 09:28

Hello all,


Due to the sanitary crisis the French board decided to cancel our Treffen for 2021. Our Chairman made the announcement this morning.
We are very sorry not to be able to join in May because it would have been a pleasure for us to receive you all.
If some of your members have made pre-registration, they will be refunded of the total amount.
Be assured that it is just thinking of the safety that we had to take this sad decision.


But we are still hoping to see you in a super "Faites de la Gold" in September in Bourges.
I will let you know, as soon as possible, all the details about this meeting.


Keep safe and hope to see you soon.


Marie-Anne HOUBION

Interrep GWCF


Treffen Holland (GWCH) 2021 is cancelled
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 21:54

Dear members,


This evening we as committee and treffen organisation of Gold Wing Club Holland had to make the decision to cancel the 43rd treffen again. We had already taken this scenario into account, but we still hoped that we could continue in its original form. An attempt was made to agree on a shorter procedure time with the municipality, which turned out to be impossible for various reasons. Earlier we had already agreed that it should be a treffen without corona measures, as Mr. Marcus van der Mast (Secretary GWCH) already indicated in January in the foreword of our club magazine “de Wing”, sitting at a meter and a half and everything according to restrictive rules is not a treffen. Of course we regret that the treffen cannot continue, but given the current situation, we really can’t do otherwise. Maybe something will be possible later this year, let's hope. As for the 43rd international treffen, we are going for another attempt in 2022. We hope to meet everyone in good health at a later date.


On behalf of the committee and the treffen organisation of Gold Wing Club Holland

Jacco ten Broeke - Treffencoördinator
Bart van Esseveld - Interrep
Marco Strik - President


Treffen Belgium (GWMCB) 2021 is cancelled
Saturday, 09 January 2021 12:54

Hello fellow Gold Wingers,

On behalf of the Belgian Committee and our members of the Gold Wing Motor Club Belgium, I wish you all the very best for 2021 .

2020 has been a strange year, the world as we all knew it has been turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic . We can only hope that you and your loved ones are in good health. The new year brings hope and finally there is light at the end of the tunnel with a vaccine. Let us all hope that a bit further in the new year, we can travel around again on our beloved Gold Wings and meet up with friends and family like we used to do before this terrible virus made an entrance in our lives. Sadly enough this will not be possible in the first few months of 2021.

The situation in Belgium and the restrictions that are still in place for the coming months do not allow us to organize an event with visitors from all over Europe of different age groups . Therefore, the G.W.M.C.B. committee had no other option than to cancel the Belgian Treffen 2021.


As committee of the G.W.M.C.B we know this is not the news you were all waiting for,But we are not allowed to organize this kind of events in our country and we feel that it is our responsibility as a committee to watch over the health and safety of all participants at our events. Sadly enough, we cannot guarantee this at this point.


Therefore we set our sights to the future and the better times it will bring. The Gold Wing Motor Club Belgium wish to invite you all to the upcoming Belgian Treffen in 2022, to visit and enjoy our beautiful small country.


For now, enjoy the small things in life, keep it healthy and keep safe, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing!


Best regards,
Frédéric Vanderstukken
International Representative
Gold Wing Motor Club Belgium


BeNeLux Tour 2021 is cancelled
Saturday, 09 January 2021 12:50

Hello fellow Gold Wingers,


After discussing the Covid-19 situation and the restrictions that are still in place in the BeNeLux countries the organization had to take the sad decision to cancel the 2021 edition of our Tour.
Sadly enough looking at the restrictions that are still in place we are not allowed to organize an International event.
We understand that this is not the news you were waiting for and we as organization fully understand this, as we also would like to enjoy our hobby again like before Covid -19.
But we as organization are responsible to watch over the health and safety of all the participants of the BeNeLux Tour, sadly enough we cannot guarantee this at this point.
We believe that better days will come and would like to invite you all to participate at the 2022 BeNeLux Tour edition.


For now stay healthy ,
Frédéric Vanderstukken G.W.M.C.B. Interrep
Henri Schmidt G.W.C.L. Interrep
Bart Van Esseveld G.W.C.H. Interrep

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